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Tanya Lewis created Eco Organiser after realising her passion was helping people organise their time and space - and to do it in an environmentally responsible way. Tanya is a regular contributor to the Ziilch community and this month we discover some of her top organising and styling tips!

declutter expert Tanya Lewis

1/ Please tell us about yourself and how you got into organising and home styling?

There is a growing trend around the world where people are overwhelmed by STUFF, to the point where they cannot function or they simply cannot find things so they just buy more.

I came into the Professional Organising over 8 years ago because I could see the affect clutter was having on families, businesses and the environment.
Home styling came along as the icing on the cake, once you have decluttered your space, why not make it look gorgeous. We want people to fall in love with their homes again, create a workspace that they love being in

2/ What are the biggest benefits as an eco organiser that you provide your clients and can you tell us a little about the 10R’s©?

The most common word we hear from our clients is “relief” just by responsibly decluttering they feel like weight has been lifted off their shoulders. They have time and space to think and they have saved money.
The 10R’s©is our eco-friendly organising system that helps people rethink what they need and want in their lives, and how to responsibly dispose of unwanted items.
Importantly The 10R’s© does not cost the Earth, not just in monetary terms, The 10R’s© diverts waste from landfill, and it helps build and heel communities.

3/ What are the top 3 organising problems your clients have and how do you approach solving these problems in an environmentally friendly way?

Everything we buy and bring into our space comes with a carbon footprint.
We see lives overwhelmed by STUFF, that are never used or liked, simply adding to the clutter.
Our mission is to help people identify what they truly need and want in their life, thus reducing clutter and our carbon footprint.

The top 3 organising problems:

1. Getting started “I don’t have time to declutter”
This may sound like a little tough love and it is. But you must make clutter a priority, if you have been living with clutter for years, you will not conquer it and clear it in one afternoon while you are listening to the football. But not starting at all doesn’t deal with the clutter either.

2. Identify your clutter
What you consider clutter someone else may consider a treasure, the tip is set time aside before you start to declutter and rethink what you need and want in your life.
Once you have identified your clutter, you will no longer bring these things into your space, reducing clutter, saving money and helping mother nature

3. Maintaining a clutter free space
If you struggle to maintain a clutter free space, our tip is to go back to your dream, your vision of what you need and want in your life, plus make clutter a priority and clear things away every day, until it becomes a habit.

4/ What’s the best advice you have been given about organising or styling since getting started?

Only have around you the things you need and love.
This goes for organising and styling your home. Our homes are our haven, a place to relax and enjoy.
I encourage my clients to clear the clutter and bring out the treasures so they can enjoy them.

5/ What was the most rewarding project you have worked on and why?

We see STUFF dumped on the side of the road or charities inundated with rubbish when we could be helping others and Mother Nature. I recently presented my “Declutter for a simplifier life” workshop to a small community. From that workshop we diverted approximately 2500kg of clutter from landfill. The local charities reported that everything donated was good quality and saleable, with all funds going back to support the local hospital and CFA.

6/ What are some of your favourite organising websites or books that you’d recommend to our members and why do you like them?

Getting organised starts with changing our mind set, until we change the relationship we have with our stuff, we cannot let.
These books have helped 1000’s of people create the change they want.

Mind set Lighten up
Peter Walsh

SHED your stuff, change your life
Julie Morgenstern

Paper clutter Paper Flow
MaryAnne Bennie
Available at Eco Organiser

General clutter STUFF OFF! Suffocated by Clutter?
Practical tips that won’t cost the Earth to rid your life of clutter
Tanya Lewis
Available at Eco Organiser

Tanya Lewis
Available at Eco Organiser

Food Waste Too busy to eat well by
How to master Meal Planning when you don’t have the time or energy
Louise D’Allura
Available at Eco Organiser

7/ How can members of Ziilch keep in touch with you and learn more about decluttering and organising?

We want to make getting and staying organised easy, you can stay in touch through:

Eco Organiser-Blog- Upcoming workshops-Newsletter- Recycling resources


We hope you enjoyed our interview with regular guest contributor Tanya Lewis.
Tanya is the creator of The 10 R’s© Eco Organising Solution.

View Tanya’s Profile for more information and workshop dates.

Tanya Lewis Declutter Organiser Organising Ecoorganiser

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