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Looking for ways to save money on plants when designing or landscaping your garden?


Here's 4 Tips to save money on plants

  1. Re-pot or re-position self seeded plants
  2. Grow new plants from old, by taking cuttings and propagating.
  3. Divide existing plants
  4. Grow new plants from runners.

Where can I find free plants?


Ask your neighbours, relatives or friends if you can take some cuttings of plants for propagation. A good time is pruning season when they are doing it anyway!


Take a look around your garden for self seeding plants, many native grasses and flowers are self seeding. Either reposition them or pot them, until they mature, in good quality potting mix.


Many plants and grasses are also suitable for dividing. If a plant, such as a kangaroo paw, has out grown it's position, simply dig it up and cut it in half. Put half the plant back in it's original position and find a new spot for the other half. Many plants also spread by creating runners, these can be dug up and transplanted to other areas of the garden.

For more information on propagating and the types of plants you can propagate and take cuttings from, check out the Gardening Australia website.




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