Giveaway of the day - Browse Ziilch for the best freebies of the day!
If you want to give away free stuff (or find it!) , there's only one place you need to consider doing it, Ziilch!
Click here to search Ziilch now for FREE giveaways!

If you're looking for tip top quality items for free - ziilch should be your go to as a 100% free give away site.
Whether you want to give away free stuff or find free stuff of the day, Ziilch has got you covered. To kick off your search for awesome free items, you need to check out the giveaway of the day on our facebook page.
Got some stuff lying around that you don't use anymore? Don't be like the crazy lady down the street who hoards everything - give it away on ziilch. Not only will you be helping someone else out, you'll be surprised at how good you feel for doing it. Ziilch isn't just a place to give away free stuff it's a great alternative to other sites like giveaway of the day classifieds. Listing is free, and ‘buyers' can trawl through the extensive range of great items to find things they have a genuine need for, free! If you're just starting out, giveaway of the day is a great place to start your search.