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Professional Organiser Tanya Lewis shares her top tips for getting organised. Live the organised life you want in 2016.

get organised 2016

A new year sends a message, time to clear the decks, start a fresh. Rethink 2015, where did you succeed and where didn't you quite make it? Our first tip is to "get over it" don't waste valuable time worrying about what didn't work.

Take some time and learn from it, then rethink your successes and ask yourself, how can I improve so I can live the life I want?
There are 4 simple steps to how to get organised "Live the life you want":

Organise your life Tip 1: Dream it

All good ideas start with a dream, so over the Christmas break and after the kids go back to school, is a great time to think about the New Year. Ask yourself:

· Why do I want become more organised? Be clear about why you want this?
· What do I love about my life?
· What part of my life gives me the willies?
· Who will be affected by these changes?

Organise your life Tip 2: Plan for it

· Set time aside and write down your ideas. (We’re checking in on these throughout the year)
· Block out time-wasters and distractions
· Clear the clutter, the things that are no longer relevant
· When am I going to start?
· When am I going to finish?

Organise your life Tip 3: Do it

· Get cracking
· Set limits, how long you will spend on this project

Organise your life Tip 4: Maintain it

· Block out the knockers, let go of the unimportant STUFF.
· Work on it everyday
· Don't overload yourself, be realistic.

“Life is too short to be looking for STUFF”

We hope you like these tips to help organise your home and office. It is brought to you by our guest contributor, Tanya Lewis. Tanya is the creator of The 10 R’s© Eco Organising Solution.

View Tanya’s Profile for more information and workshop dates.